
swagger:ignore #

Syntax #


Example 1: Marks a struct as explicitly ignore from the Swagger spec output #

//swagger: ignore
type Patient struct {
    // example: John Doe
    name        string  `json:"name"`
    // example: 27
    age         int     `json:"age""`
    // example: New York
    city        string  `json:"city"`
    // example: 1234567890
    phone       string  `json:"phone"`
    // example: 1A2B3C
    uniqueId    string  `json:"unique_id"`

Example 2: Exclude a specific field from swagger spec output #

//swagger: model Person
type Person struct {
    // example: John Doe
    name        string  `json:"name"`
    // example: 27
    age         int     `json:"age""`
    // example: New York
    city        string  `json:"city"`
    // example: 1234567890
    phone       string  `json:"phone"`
    // example: 1A2B3C
    // swagger: ignore
    uniqueId    string  `json:"unique_id"`

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