About generating models

Model generation #

Custom validation #

Use-Case: is it possible to write my own validation code for custom types? If so, can someone give me an example?

Usage example: There is bookstore, with info about books: author, title, price. And we want that books from some author will not cost more than some price. So I want to write and use a function ValidateBookCustom() like:

if book.author == "Some author" {
    if book.price > 1000 {
       return false
    else return true

Answer: there are several ways to achieve that.

  • reusing customized models
  • reusing custom go types
  • customizing code generation

You should know that models may be generated independently from server, then reused when generating a new server.

You might build on that: generating a first model, customizing the validation code, then reusing this model (possibly with some others) in your servers.

Another way is to use the x-go-type extension, to replace type generation with a custom type.

There is the opportunity to get go-swagger to reuse a predefined type to satisfy the definition in the swagger spec. Imported package and type alias may be specified as options, as shown in this example: https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/blob/master/fixtures/codegen/existing-model.yml#L99-L103

That example reuses a type provided by a library with a package alias and type name. The code generator will respect this.

You might use both, preparing a customized model from an initially generated structure, then reusing type custom type in other declarations by hinting the generator with x-go-type.

Further, for repetitive customization, you might be willing to customize the generator’s templates. Like in here for models, or in here for inline parameters.

Originally from issues #997 and #1334

Non-required or nullable property? #

Use-Case: when a definition has a property N, if N is a number and is not required, the corresponding generated model has the struct flag omitempty for N. This means that when N has been set to 0 the generated JSON omits N, despite it being validly set to 0.

I would still like to allow this variable to be unset, by setting it to null for example. This will also apply for returning objects that return false and so on.

The "omitempty" option specifies that the field should be omitted from the encoding if the field has an empty value, defined as false, 0, a nil pointer, a nil interface value, and any empty array, slice, map, or string. (from https://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Marshal)

Hint: a workaround for this is to use the extension x-nullable:true on properties.

Originally from issue #959. (more discussion on edge cases there).

Related: go-openapi/validate#19.

String parameter in body and query #

Use-case: I want to create an operation with string parameter in body, but go-swagger fails while generating.

When I change body to query, it works. How can I send my parameter in body with type string?

This works (param in query):

  description: post func
  operationId: postfunc
    - name: myparam
      in: query
      type: string

But this fails (param in body):

  description: post func
  operationId: postfunc
    - name: myparam
      in: body
      type: string

Answer: add the schema definition in body. This works:

  description: post func
  operationId: postfunc
    - name: myparam
      in: body
      required: true
        type: string

Hint: more generally, you might want to check the validity of your spec re the OpenAPI 2.0 schema before trying generation, using the swagger validate {spec} command.

Originally from issue #990.

Request response can have different objects returned based on query parameters #

Use-Case: I have a POST request that returns different object models based on the query parameters.

Is there any way to add multiple responses under the swagger route annotation?


  200: response1
  200: response2
  ... etc

Also is it possible to have different models for the request?

Answer: No, as this is not supported in Openapi 2.0 specification

That being said, if you specify a wrapper class or base class, you can return multiple responses.

For example (in pseudo-swagger):

  type: object
      $ref: '#/definitions/response1'
      $ref: '#/definitions/response2'

or perhaps more elegantly:

  type: object
      type: string
      format: uuid

    - $ref: '#/definitions/BaseObject'
    - type: object

    - $ref: '#/definitions/BaseObject'
    - type: object

Allegedly, with OpenAPI 3.0 you’ll be able to use the anyOf: operator, with the different response types.

Regarding parameters, you may also achieve this by putting in the path the query parameters that dictate the model.


Originally from issue #932.

How to validate dates and times? #

JSON schema and Swagger (aka OpenAPI 2.0) define ISO-8601 dates as a known format (e.g. date-time, or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z).

This format definition is used by go-swagger validators. You just have to define the format as in:

  "description": "The date and time that the device was registered.",
  "format": "date-time"

The go-openapi/strfmt package supports many additional string formats for validation.

Check out for more in this repo. The full API is documented here.

Regarding dates, this package extends validation to RFC3339 full-date format (e.g. “2006-01-02”).

Originally from issue #643.

Accessing the Default return value #

Use-Case: I was wondering how I would get the default response from the client?

Note: see also Access HTTP status code from client#597.

I have a spec like this:

    operationId: getDeploy
      - name: deploy_id
        type: string
        in: path
        required: true
        description: OK
          $ref: "#/definitions/deploy"
        description: error
          $ref: "#/definitions/error"

This spec generates two models: GetDeployOK and GetDeployDefault. The API generated will return the OK case.

func (a *Client) GetDeploy(params *GetDeployParams, authInfo runtime.ClientAuthInfoWriter) (*GetDeployOK, error) {
    // TODO: Validate the params before sending
    if params == nil {
        params = NewGetDeployParams()

    result, err := a.transport.Submit(&runtime.ClientOperation{
        ID: "getDeploy",
        Method: "GET",
        PathPattern: "/deploys/{deploy_id}",
        ProducesMediaTypes: []string{"application/json"},
        ConsumesMediaTypes: []string{"application/json"},
        Schemes: []string{"https"},
        Params: params,
        Reader: &GetDeployReader{formats: a.formats},
        AuthInfo: authInfo,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return result.(*GetDeployOK), nil  TODO

Does that mean that, if I get a non-2xx response, I should check the err to actually be a GetDeployDefault reference?

Something like:

resp, err := c.Operations.GetDeploy(&params, authInfo)
if err != nil {
    if casted, ok := err.(models.GetDeployDefault); ok {
        // do something here....
    } else {
        false, err

I’ve been tracing through the code in Runtime.Submit: it delegates to the GetDeployReader.ReadResponse which makes the distinction. However, it remains unclear how that response is actually surfaced.

Answer: you can get pretty close to that with something like:

casted, ok := err.(*operations.GetDeployDefault)

Because it’s a struct type it will be a pointer.

Originally from issue #616.

How to avoid deep copies of complex data structures that need to be marshalled across the API? #


An API that provides access to a complex data structure, defined and governed by a subsystem, should not have to spec the same data model to be marshalled, as this would require a deep copy of the data structure from the subsystem to the API layer’s model universe.

How do others deal with this problem?

  • If your question is “How do I write arbitrary response bodies from go-swagger generated server code?” (e.g. from subsystem structs that you have marshalled) then you may want to write your own middleware.Responder, which gives you direct access to the underlying http.ResponseWriter. At this point, though, why use go-swagger instead of a lighter-weight framework?
  • If your question is “how can I generate a swagger spec from my subsystem structs?”, then you could check out the swagger generate spec CLI command.

Further, a subsystem that builds a complex hierarchical data structure to support its own requirements for efficiency, access, and serialization does not want the types of the API data model to be injected into its namespace.

Eventually, the subsystem can exist in many different contexts beyond the API, which is another reason it should not become dependent on any API type.

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