Generate an API client from a swagger spec #
The toolkit has a command that will let you generate a client.
Client usage #
swagger [OPTIONS] generate client [client-OPTIONS]
generate all the files for a client library
Application Options:
-q, --quiet silence logs
--log-output=LOG-FILE redirect logs to file
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
[client command options]
-c, --client-package= the package to save the client specific code (default: client)
-P, --principal= the model to use for the security principal
--default-scheme= the default scheme for this API (default: http)
--default-produces= the default mime type that API operations produce (default: application/json)
--default-consumes= the default mime type that API operations consume (default: application/json)
--skip-models no models will be generated when this flag is specified
--skip-operations no operations will be generated when this flag is specified
-A, --name= the name of the application, defaults to a mangled value of info.title
Options common to all code generation commands:
-f, --spec= the spec file to use (default swagger.{json,yml,yaml})
-t, --target= the base directory for generating the files (default: ./)
--template=[stratoscale] load contributed templates
-T, --template-dir= alternative template override directory
-C, --config-file= configuration file to use for overriding template options
-r, --copyright-file= copyright file used to add copyright header
--additional-initialism= consecutive capitals that should be considered intialisms
--allow-template-override allows overriding protected templates
--skip-validation skips validation of spec prior to generation
--dump-data when present dumps the json for the template generator instead of generating files
--with-expand expands all $ref's in spec prior to generation (shorthand to --with-flatten=expand)
--with-flatten=[minimal|full|expand|verbose|noverbose|remove-unused] flattens all $ref's in spec prior to generation (default: minimal, verbose)
Options for model generation:
-m, --model-package= the package to save the models (default: models)
-M, --model= specify a model to include in generation, repeat for multiple (defaults to all)
--existing-models= use pre-generated models e.g.
--strict-additional-properties disallow extra properties when additionalProperties is set to false
--keep-spec-order keep schema properties order identical to spec file
Options for operation generation:
-O, --operation= specify an operation to include, repeat for multiple (defaults to all)
--tags= the tags to include, if not specified defaults to all
-a, --api-package= the package to save the operations (default: operations)
--with-enum-ci set all enumerations case-insensitive by default
--skip-tag-packages skips the generation of tag-based operation packages, resulting in a flat generation
Build a client #
There is an example client provided at:
To generate a client:
swagger generate client -f [http-url|filepath] -A [application-name] [--principal [principal-name]]
If you want to debug what the client is sending and receiving you can set the environment value DEBUG to a non-empty value.
Use a default client, which has an HTTP transport:
import (
apiclient ""
httptransport ""
func main() {
// make the request to get all items
resp, err := apiclient.Default.Operations.All(operations.AllParams{})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", resp.Payload)
The client runtime allows for a number of configuration options to be set. To then use the client, and override the host, with a HTTP transport:
import (
apiclient ""
httptransport ""
func main() {
// create the transport
transport := httptransport.New(os.Getenv("TODOLIST_HOST"), "", nil)
// create the API client, with the transport
client := apiclient.New(transport, strfmt.Default)
// to override the host for the default client
// apiclient.Default.SetTransport(transport)
// make the request to get all items
resp, err := client.Operations.All(operations.AllParams{})
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", resp.Payload)
Authentication #
The client supports 3 authentication schemes:
import (
apiclient ""
httptransport ""
func main() {
// create the API client
client := apiclient.New(httptransport.New("", "", nil), strfmt.Default)
// make the authenticated request to get all items
bearerTokenAuth := httptransport.BearerToken(os.Getenv("API_ACCESS_TOKEN"))
// basicAuth := httptransport.BasicAuth(os.Getenv("API_USER"), os.Getenv("API_PASSWORD"))
// apiKeyQueryAuth := httptransport.APIKeyAuth("apiKey", "query", os.Getenv("API_KEY"))
// apiKeyHeaderAuth := httptransport.APIKeyAuth("X-API-TOKEN", "header", os.Getenv("API_KEY"))
resp, err := client.Operations.All(operations.AllParams{}, bearerTokenAuth)
// resp, err := client.Operations.All(operations.AllParams{}, basicAuth)
// resp, err := client.Operations.All(operations.AllParams{}, apiKeyQueryAuth)
// resp, err := client.Operations.All(operations.AllParams{}, apiKeyHeaderAuth)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", resp.Payload)
Consuming an XML API #
In order to enable XML support, you need to set the command options --default-consumes
or --default-produces
to an XML mime type like application/xml
when generating the client:
swagger generate client -f [http-url|filepath] -A [application-name] --default-consumes application/xml
This is necessary regardless of whether your swagger specification already specifies XML in the consumes and produces properties.
An example using the generated client with default Bearer authentication:
import (
apiclient ""
httptransport ""
func main() {
r := httptransport.New(apiclient.DefaultHost, apiclient.DefaultBasePath, apiclient.DefaultSchemes)
r.DefaultAuthentication = httptransport.BearerToken(os.Getenv("API_ACCESS_TOKEN"))
r.DefaultMediaType = runtime.XMLMime
r.Consumers = map[string]runtime.Consumer{
runtime.XMLMime: runtime.XMLConsumer(),
r.Producers = map[string]runtime.Producer{
"application/xhtml+xml": runtime.XMLProducer(),
client := apiclient.New(r, strfmt.Default)
resp, err := client.Operations.MyGreatEndpoint()
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", resp.Payload)
It can under certain circumstances be necessary to manually set the DefaultMediaType and the Consumers and Producers similar to the commented-out code above, particularly if you’re using special mime types like application/xhtml+xml